Autographed Michael Jordan Cards
Michael Jordan autograph cards hold serious value - after all they’ve been signed by the greatest athlete of all time.
Thankfully there is usually a wide variety of options for buyers of Jordan auto cards available for sale. These include:
- Product released autos (those out of a pack or via redemption)
- In-person autograph cards (obtained in person by fans)
- Buyback autos (cards bought back from the secondary market by Upper Deck, signed and re-distributed via redemption or in packs)
The cards themselves can be either signed on-card or through use of a ‘sticker auto’ where stickers are signed by the player to be affixed to cards at a latter date.
Be aware that counterfeiting autographs is a rampant problem so you should never buy an autographed card unless it is graded or you have a strong understanding of the player’s signature. Regardless of grading, it is a good idea to become familiar with Jordan’s autograph.
If you’re interested in choosing a Michael Jordan autograph card, take a look at the listings of cards for sale on eBay right now below.