If you’re well familiar with the 86 Fleer #57 Michael Jordan rookie card you’ll likely be well aware that there are plenty of authorised reprints. When I say reprints in this context I mean authentic and properly licensed commemorative re-releases and not counterfeit cards.
Official Jordan rookie reprint cards like the 96-97 Fleer Decade of Excellence, the gold bordered 96-97 Ultra Decade of Excellence and the 07-08 Fleer UNC Floor card among others make nice additions to capture some of the feel on the world’s most recognisable basketball card without the high cost of owning an authentic 86 Fleer #57.
Each in their own way, these cards all slightly differentiate from the original. It could be a modern Fleer logo, a gold stamp, a gold border, a piece of game used memorabilia or a different reverse.
There is one reprint, however, that differentiates in a subtle way which often causes me a double take if I see it: the 09-10 Upper Deck Legacy Collection Gold #97. I was reminded recently of this card after a conversation for an upcoming article where we discussed that MJ’s signature tongue-out moves were not allowed to be featured on trading cards. James Jordan’s concentration habit became so iconic of Michael Jordan that those photos have been reserved for his personal brand endorsed items only.
We know that - as of sometime in the early 90’s - trading card companies were contractually obliged to ensure no trading card featured a photo of Michael Jordan with his tongue out. Being a recognisable part of the Jordan brand made it off limits to trading cards - even Upper Deck. The most recent source of confirmation of this understanding I could find was exalted 90’s cards designer Jean MacLeod when she briefly mentioned it on the Cardboard Chronicles podcast.
As far as I’m aware all #57 Fleer reprints by Upper Deck featured the original, unaltered photo of Jordan (shot by Noren Trotman at Bulls V Nets either Dec 14 84 or April 13 85). However, for whatever reason - perhaps a contract re-negotiation - by 2009’s release Upper Deck were actively removing MJ’s tongue.
Take a look here for side-by-side close-ups of the 86 Fleer #57 and altered 09-10 UD Jordan Legacy Gold #97.

I do think Upper Deck removed MJ’s tongue from at least one other photo in the 2009 Legacy Gold release. Card #98 as shown below doesn’t look quite right and given its a classic MJ power push toward the rim could very well have originally included that look of concentration.

So, what about cards made before this rule came into play?
Michael Jordan cards where Jordan is shown with his tongue out
I thought it might be interesting to take a look back to the early days of Jordan cards and compile a list of cards featuring this iconic Jordan brand move - there aren’t many and they all pre-date the early 90’s with only four which could be considered mainstream releases. In fact, even the most recent on the list was a prototype and never meant for public distribution.
If there’s more you’re aware of please do write in and I’ll add them to the list below.