Have you ever come across an online listing of this card? It is identical in every way to the normal 1989-90 Hoops Michael Jordan card only instead of a white background this card has a yellow background and is numbered #12 as opposed to the white background card which is #200.
For the 1989-90 season Hoops manufactured and released the regular white background set along with a separate 100 card set with yellow backgrounds.
The white set was distributed among all the usual channels and in pack form.
The yellow set was available only through Sears department stores under a special agreement between Hoops and Sears. The yellow background set is called the Hoops Superstars set and was distributed in set form - these complete sets are still commonly available for sale on eBay.
So in actual fact it was 100 of the 89-90 Hoops cards which are available with this yellow background - not just the Jordan card.
As a result of the exclusive deal with Sears, I imagine the print run of the yellow cards would have been considerably lower. However sales prices are more or less the same as the standard card from the 89-90 Hoops set so don’t think you’ll have to pay a lot for this card.